Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Operation: Aleisha's New Life...Day 1

Here goes. I'm tired of being fat. I'm tired of heart palpitations, I'm tired of being uncomfortable in my own skin, I'm tired of not being able to sleep well, I'm tired of not being able to dress how I want to, and I'm definitely tired of being tired. Not to mention, the other day at Sea World, 2 park workers had to cram me into the seat of a roller coaster tag-team style...great times. I'm so tired of all this, that I actually joined a 12 step program...OA...just like AA. So far, it's been really great for me, because I've been down this road more times than I care to admit...and back again...had a few awful wrecks along the road, and ended up in worse and worse spots the farther I tried to go. Not long ago, I found myself going to bed about 2 am, looked around me, and it looked like a food graveyard...problem #1. Problem #2...I didn't remember going in the kitchen, didn't remember getting the food, and didn't remember eating it...blackout eating. Sooo, I'm in bad shape, to say the least. More than all of this combined, I don't have much energy for my son who needs it so badly. So, I need to lose something ridiculous...about 120 lbs to be exact. However, one of the problems I've had in the past is that I look at that and I feel completely overwhelmed. Besides, God only grants me the grace I need to get through THIS day, and tomorrow He will grant me the grace I need to get through that one. So, today, I will be a good steward of the grace He has given me, and by His grace, and the strength He gives me to persist, I will get victory over this bondage!

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